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Join us in keeping CW alive and well on the 30m band
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The 30m CW interest group encourages CW activity on 30m to ensure we do not lose this very special prime CW band to other modes, nor to other primary services. The best way to do this is to be active on 30m as much as possible.

30CW.net membership is open to CW operators who use or wish to use the 30m radio amateur band using CW for "non-5NN" activities and who support the specified aims below:
- Promoting human CW QSO activity
- Giving meaningful true signal reports
- Encouraging newcomers to CW and 30m
- Retaining bottom 30kHz exclusive for CW
- Defending the traditional CW operating codes
If you agree with the above aims, please FIRST register using your CALLSIGN as your name at http://www.wikidot.com and after that confirm your Wikidot account registration via the link they send you by Email. After that you need to go to http://30cw.wikidot.com and click on the "Join" button (only visible before joining and before logging in after joining).
**Next: please go to this page and enter your details and select at very least the 30CW Membership check-box. You must be on this 30CW Newsletter list in order to retain free membership.
Finally: Please send us an Email via the Contact Menu top right to notify us you've done the above, if you want to be added more quickly, otherwise members are added from time to time.
Remember, take care to register at Wikidot first with username of your CALLSIGN otherwise you'll need to go and change your "screen name" in settings to your CALLSIGN.
If you see "Please wait…" forever, try closing the "Please wait…" window and refresh, or login here.
If you're having problems joining, send an email to (dah-dah, dit, dah-dah, dah-di-di-dit, dit, di-dah-dit, di-di-dit, di-di-di-dit, di-dit, di-dah-dah-dit) AT 30cw DOT net.
30CW is Affiliated to FISTS International Morse Preservation Society
02 Aug 2023 13:54
We are pleased to announce that 30CW and FISTS are now affiliated. This will certainly benefit members and help build more awareness of the activities of 30CW and FISTS.
30CW FISTS membership number is 22170. FISTS 30CW membership number is 30CW378.
30m CW Activity Group is now listed in FISTS Member Lists, the Links web page https://fists.co.uk/links.html#fistsaffiliatedclubs and the Affiliated Clubs web page https://fists.co.uk/clubs.html and will likewise link to FISTS from our webpages.
FISTS aims:
FISTS have three straightforward goals:
- Further the use of CW (Morse Code)
- Engender friendships among members
- Encourage newcomers to use CW (Morse Code)
These are also the goals of all 30CW members, so we highly recommend you to also join FISTS to show support for the many activities that FISTS has undertaken since 1987 for the preservation and promotion of Morse Code.
Please visit the FISTS Website for more information: https://fists.co.uk
Comments: 5 | category: Community / Announcements
Welcome New 30CW Members
30 Mar 2023 07:41
If you have joined 30CW recently, a big welcome to you. We have plans to improve including a newsletter and easier method of joining in future.
Please if you have not done so already, add something about yourself to your profile.
Also please check your membership number and callsign entries and make use of your membership number on air, e.g. 30CW123. You can also add your own page on 30CW under your callsign by using the top right "Create your page" box. This will be available at 30cw.net/CALLSIGN.
If you want to see activity of 30CW members on the RBN you can do so and you can also set up alerts in CW on the computer if you want to know when someone starts calling CQ.
Of course, the most fun way is to get on the bands and tune around! 🙂
Finally, we welcome your feedback, comments and discussions in the 30 CW forums where you will find posts, discussions and ideas not only relating to 30m but also to CW operations in general.
If you have any problems you can always contact us by Email via the Contact menu item top right.
If you can help with 30CW site editing (it is a wiki, quite simple to use) please also contact us to volunteer your services along with any experience you have.
Thank you and welcome aboard!
Comments: 0 | category: Community / Announcements
30CW Website Updates
30 Mar 2023 07:10
Here a list of recent changes and updates to 30CW. For more see the Announcements thread in the Forum.
- Many pages were updated. Please see items on the "30m info" menu at the top of this page.
- Latest forum posts no longer show on the front page, please see the Forum for all forum posts and discussions.
- Latest Announcement threads now show on the front page, for all the posts in the threads please visit the Forum.
- For new members who added profiles see the right side bar, for the full members list see here.
Comments: 0 | category: Community / Announcements
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