The 30m Amateur Radio band is allocated to the Amateur Radio Service on a Secondary basis. Radio Amateurs must not cause interference to Primary Fixed Service Users.
Red: No contests
Orange: Bugs and cootie (side swiper) key preferred segment
Green: Friendship activity
Arrow: QRP (<=5W)
All frequencies in kHz
- 10100-10130 CW only, bandwidth 200Hz or less
- 10130-10150 CW & Digital modes bandwidth 500Hz or less
- 10140-10150 Region 2 only: digital modes up to 2700Hz bandwidth
- The 10.1 MHz band is allocated to the Amateur Service only on a Secondary basis. Primary allocation is to the Fixed Service.
- The IARU has agreed that only CW and other narrow bandwidth modes are to be used on this band.
- SSB may be used during emergencies involving the immediate safety of life and property and only by stations actually involved in the handling of emergency traffic.
- The band segment 10120 to 10140 kHz may be used for SSB transmissions in the area of Africa south of the equator during local daylight hours.
- News bulletins on any mode are not to be transmitted on the 10.1 MHz band.
- No contests are to take place on the 10.1 MHz band.
- DX operations should adhere to the bandwidth limit and listen with a 1kHz or 2kHz filter.
- All radio amateurs must monitor their frequency of transmission at ALL times when operating in order to be able to comply with any cessation of transmission request by Primary Fixed Service users.
- 10106, 10116, 10126 are QRP centres of activity. Please give priority to low power stations and avoid calling CQ on these frequencies with more than 5 Watts.
- There is no Mobile Service allocation, all mobile fishing vessels etc are intruders.
- Unattended beacons should not be activated on 30m (with the sole exception of DK0WCY).
- Automatically controlled data transmissions (unattended) should avoid use of the 10.1 MHz band, as this is illegal for most licensees. Unattended transmissions have not been sanctioned for 30m.
- In Region 2 the segment 10140 to 10150 kHz may be used by digital modes with up to 2700Hz bandwidth.
- Australia: usurped authorities in Australia have, against IARU recommendations, allowed SSB transmissions within Australia and the Wireless Institute of Australia has specified 10125 to 10135 kHz to be used by SSB during local daylight hours only. The WIA is however ignoring its own advice as well as the IARU by using the 30m CW band for SSB broadcasts below 10125 kHz along with broadcasting musical jingles (prohibited worldwide) thus causing harmful interference to CW operations within and outside Australia including popular CW clubs members within Australia.
- Brazil: authorities in Brazil have, against IARU recommendations, allowed SSB and other wide band modes in the 10.138 to 10.150 MHz band with a band width of up to 3 kHz.
- BV: Can only use 10.13 to 10.15 MHz
- For global CW Club centers of activity see: clubs