Earlier this morning, using my K3S running 40 watts to my 40/80 trapped dipole I worked a German station who was portable doing POTA, to me is signal was 549, of course I just got a standard 599 back. Later I reverted to 5 watts and was spotted on by a German, Finish and Estonian stations, the strongest signal SNR was just 6.
I then made a simple mono band dipole for 30m using light wire, the type supplied by Sotabeams. When cut I got a SWR of 1.2. The feedline does not extend to my shack, so I reverted to the back utility room with the KX2. At 11:05 I called out on 10.116 and was spotted within minutes by five stations, their respective SNR from the strongest was 17, 12, 12, 7 and 4. I heard another station calling on the same frequency, OZ/DL2JRM and was able to work him. I gave a 449 but just got a standard 599 back and it was all over!
Then I tried 10 watts on 10.118 again within minutes I was spotted by seven stations, their respective SNR from the strongest were; 16, 14, 11, 6, 6, 5 and 5. Not massively different from my earlier 5 watts test.
In the early afternoon I usually have found the band to be quiet, however today I worked DK9DK/P who was operating from Pellworm, a small island that is part of the North Frisian Islands. I received a 579 RST suggesting that my new dipole is more efficient. I will look forward to see what happens tonight when the band seems to get better.
Early evening calling CQ for 30 minutes on 5 watts produce a QSO for a French station also running 5 watts, RST was 549 and I received 549. Will see what its like later in the evening.
This band certainly warms up in the evening, I worked the grey line on 5 watts and was well spotted on RBN with a couple of spots reading values in the 20s, and the top eight spots were all in double figures. I worked four stations during the evening hours, a Danish station I worked was running 200 watts, the maximum allowed on this band.
This completes my testing, a mono dipole is definitely best, but for my next test I will try a vertical aerial, but I will have to make it first. The map below records the evening activity.
Will de mi0wwb