Right, but Con-Testers have no Conscience or Consciousness, certainly not the organizers.
Here some very valid comments by Gil F4WBY 30CW23 at the opening of this very interesting video about End Fed antennae. Gil thank you very much, I actually learned a lot from your video about things I should have known long ago, but after so much reading, you're the first one who could explain it in simple terms and very clearly, thank you!
The very simple point made here years ago by Gil and echoed by me and many others, and still ignored by CON-Test Organizers is they should publish frequency ranges that are allowed, which exclude the bottom 10kHz and the top 10kHz from the QRP frequencies up on CW bands, and similar arrangements on SSB e.g. keeping top 50kHz free on 20m which includes the 14.300MHz Maritime Mobile and Emergency Frequency.
See yet again and example of this in another video by Gil while he was /MM and the blasted Con-Testers again made it impossible for him to operate:
Interestingly his only successful contacts on the journey were in CW on 10.123MHz. See the proposal for CW Calling Frequency 10123.0-10123.5kHz in the Forum.