Last night I had good DX QSOs into Europe on 30m, with doublet up 10m broadside to Europe. This is not an ideal height for DX on 30m, better would be 15m above ground, but it is usable.
At the same time geomagnetic conditions were active to minor storm, K index 4 to 5. The A indices for yesterday were in the 30s, active to minor storm levels. It is worth remembering that geomagnetic storms are often localized to one part of the world, and affect more the polar paths.
From here at the equator to Europe at mid latitudes, conditions were just as fine as usual on 30m. As usual on the weekends there are results, as many are driven off 40m by the wall to wall 'tests.
As solar flux has been rising since several days and well above 150 currently, we can expect great conditions also on higher frequencies.
Some useful information on solar terrestrial indices and how they affect propagation, good read for a refresher:
Also here on the 30CW site, is good information about DK0WCY which broadcasts indices in Morse Code as well as data, I recommend to check out this beacon and make use of it if you are in Europe.