May I please request all who have joined this site to please consider putting a photo or image as your avatar. It looks a lot friendlier, as you can see on the right side "Latest Profiles" are those with profiles.
Also, please, take a minute to put a line or two about yourself or your interests, on your profile, your age (birth year) etc. Again, this helps to make this a nice friendly community.
Finally, if you have made a page on what is stopping you from making a page here :-) at making a page and editing it is even simpler. Just use the box on the right side over there, enter your call sign and click the Create your page button.
Now, here are the links you need:
1) to change your Avatar (tiny image displayed alongside your call-sign) click here:
2) to add a line about yourself and a link to your page if you create one or to any other page or site as you wish, click here:
Thank you for your cooperation, and if you need any help, I and others here on will be more than happy to assist you.