How many of us think about this, and it does not just relate to more serious disasters, but even simple things like an antenna breaking, your rig going kaput, or the electricity going off — this last event when you could enjoy, for once, noise-free communications!
So here are some thoughts, taking my own current station as an example.
Do I have an alternative source of power if power supply breaks or electricity cuts off or can I transfer my rig to the car? YES. A car battery and a second PSU. But I have only the car battery in the car, which is not in good shape. TODO: rechargeable batteries, solar power charger.
Do I have a spare transceiver or RX and TX? YES. I even have a third if we count a Pixie ;-)
If you only have ONE rig, consider how you will feel if it breaks. It could put you off air for some considerable time. Your second rig does not have to be super-duper. It could be QRP. TODO: QCX
What happens if any one of your poles falls down? Does it affect all antennas? How many antennas do you have that work on 30m (and any other favourite bands)? In a pinch, is there one you can put up quickly? Can you already put up a second option? YES
This is something I plan to do today or over the weekend. I currently have only one 30m antenna up, though I did have two before. I will put up the second one again. It will still have a weak point of both using one of the two masts, but, if something happens to that mast, this second antenna and even the first one, can be relocated to another mast at lower height. TODO: Vertical and 3 band portable "Lamda"
Do you have a rig and antenna that you can easily and quickly take with you if SHTF? YES
This could be QRP, but ideally also something that is capable of higher power. Squid pole, wire, coax, ribbon cable, battery, connectors, gas soldering iron and solder, all can be kept in the car boot or in a Go Bag. Mine is not ready, so another item needing completion. TODO: Light weight QCX