New member here — thanks! Have had a daily sked with a DR OC/Elmer who recently relocated. What was once a pretty solid over-the-mountains NVIS QRP chat became a cross-country struggle between our busy daily schedules and terrible band condx. He suggested 30M, and after setting up a quick quarter-wave above ground vertical with two radials, we are back in business. I run about 50 watts, and that helps with the QSB and QRN. Hope to improve this by raising the antenna a bit. Seems like band is improving day-by-day, or maybe I'm just hopeful.
I'm loving 30M, and don't seem to have any QRM issues. He's hit with QRM sometimes, but we manage to keep our sked. I'm amazed there's a band for CW and narrow-band modes only, and so very pleased that contesting is not part of 30M.
73,77 de Paul/N6MGN