G8OO (30CW65)

Alan Holdsworth Fists No 3716

The first question I am always asked is the g8oo callsign.

g8oo was originally issued to Mr W Moore who was known on the air as “Pony”

In 1999 Mr W Moore's Family requested that Peter Fox G4MCK re-activate the Callsign G2YT and Alan Holdsworth (GØSAH) revive the Callsign g8oo.

I am informed that the Callsign was originally issued as 8oo and that the G prefix was added in front of all UK Callsigns between 1936 and 1937.

Owing to the age of this Callsign there are very few g8 two letter Callsigns in the world, Therefore to work a g8 two letter Callsign is very rare.

I operated g8oo from 03/06/2000 to 27/07/2003 and, after removing dupes, logged 2813 Qso's and these equated to 824 CW and 1724 SSB.

My wife and I relocated to France in 2003 where I operated as F5VJK for 13 years. I predominantly operated HF sideband until our return to the UK on 1/2/2016 and proceded to use the g8oo Callsign no 10/11/2016.

I am also the holder of the following deactivated Callsigns F5VJK - GØSAH - G1SPZ.

I was also the sole operator of the following DXpedition Callsign's C56/GØSAH - C56/G8OO - 8Q7UK - TM8D


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