HK4KM - Guillermo - 30CW355

Hello to all. I've been a ham since 2010. Have been through many areas of the ham universe; SSB, contesting, digital modes, SAT, kit building, etc.

Half the time as a ham I've operated QRP exclusively both from home and portable so I enjoy the thrill of a <5W QSO. I also participated in contests using 5W.

Since 2022 I started operating exclusively CW to force myself to learn the code. It has been hard. I can now operate in contests, POTA hunting and DX chasing as well as looking for DXpeditions. No ragchewing as such yet but trying!

I like the 30M band very much. When propagation allows I can find CW stations and feel this will help me improve and become a good CW operator.

72 & 77 de Guillermo - HK4KM

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