K5ENS (30CW226)

I was originally licensed as a Tech+ in Dec 1990. My first HF contact was 15M CW with N2EKM (SK) on Long Island, NY. I upgraded to General in Dec 2018. I have been active in CW since Feb 2019.

Since I learned Morse code "the wrong way" back in 1990, I have struggled to speed up my ability to copy code. I am comfortable at 8-10 WPM but my goal is 15+ WPM. I use Farnsworth keying with characters around 15-18 WPM, but the spacing is probably near 8-10 WPM. I am an active member of the SKCC (#19964S). In particular, I enjoy their monthly SSS (Slow Speed Saunter), the monthly brag activity, and the monthly WES (Weekend Sprint). I am a lifetime member of the LICW Club (#3562) and I participate regularly in the LICW Challenge. I am also a member of FISTS, 10-10, NAQCC, and the ARRL.

My station has an Icom IC-7300 connected to an Icom AH-4 remote tuner with a long wire antenna (100') at 20 ft above ground. This combination lets me work all of the bands from 160M to 6M. My longest contacts have been to Australia and South Africa. I use a TBFB (Torsion Bar "Fat Boy") Cootie key by W1SFR.

73 de K5ENS, Ken S. <ten.lrra|sne5k#ten.lrra|sne5k>
SKCC #19964S, FISTS #3329, NAQCC #9906, 10-10 #67438, 30CW #226

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