**NOTE: This page is in draft and development! The QTT Activities idea is evolving.
QTT is an idea promoting the use of non-5NN QSO with exchange of honest reports and additional information. Using human CW rather than digital (Computer) CW. This activity is especially encouraged on or near the daily moving 101xy.5 kHz Centre of Activity frequency, where xy is the current UTC date. So, on the 1st day of the month, 10101.5, on the 2nd, 10102.5 kHz etc +/- QRM.
"QTT Hour"
To further increase our chances of having Quality Telegraphy Time with Quality True Telegraphists as well as newcomers to CW, friendly enjoyable Old School QSO and more, we have devised the concept of "QTT Hour" to take place during the hour starting at XY:00 UTC whereby XY is again the current UTC Date. So on the 1st of the month, from 0100 UTC, on the second from 0200 UTC etc. and again on or near the QTT CoA Frequency of 101xy.5 kHz as explained above.
Notes and Observations
QTT is not a contest but simply any "non-5NN-TU" activity. QTT emphases longer contacts and the exchange of at least an honest signal report (even using the newer RSN system, QTH, name, and ideally information on Power and Antenna and so on.
The QTT Q code means "the identification which follows is superimposed upon the existing transmmission" and thus can also be used as a prefix to give your CW Club(s) and membership numbers, and/or any former professional service or amateur service callsigns used or held. This serves to promote CW club memberships and friendships among amateurs.
QTT is also held to mean "Quality Telegraphy Time" as in an enjoyable CW QSO without a simple and meaningless "5NN TU", as well as a Quality True Telegraphist.
More information about the original idea of the amateur radio QTT can be found at VKCW website here.

For more, see: https://no5nn.org
Campaign Inspired and Created by OT Jean 5T0JL (SK) and Companions