Thank you for joining 30CW.NET. Before you use this site, please kindly do two things:
1) go to your settings page and change your Avatar to some sort (photo of yourself or anything else) — click here to get to the Avatar option.
2) write a sentence or so about your 30m station in the "About Me" page. You can also add a link to your site or web page. But PLEASE do add a photo as it makes the site look a lot nicer for members, it is the least you can do for us :-)
After that, have fun, browse the forums, and take part in discussions as you wish. You can also add pages to this site, e.g. create a page with your Callsign, so that will show your page. This is a great place to put more information about you and your interests.
To do so, use the create page box on the right side ==> by entering your callsign and clicking on Create Page. BUT please make sure you have done 1) and 2) above first, as members who have no photo (Avatar) of any type and no information about themselves, such as their callsign, will be removed.
Only as a member do you have access to this site, and its pages can only be seen when logged in.
We very much hope you will find useful and support our efforts to keep 30m in the best interest of CW operators world wide.
Again, thank you!